“For God alone my soul waits in silence, for my hope is from him.” Psalm 62:5
“Let anyone with ears listen!” Matthew 11:15
I am a bit like Dr. Suess’ Grinch: “There's one thing I hate: oh the noise, noise, noise, noise!” Traffic horns; restroom hand dryers; chain saws and leaf blowers; angry shouting and … political debates maybe; what distracts from the moment and disrupts inner calm.
It’s easy to meditate, lift up people in prayer, silently praise God on a mountain trail, in the woods, by a campfire … outside where our ears see, visualizing creatures we can only hear; where our eyes hear, imagining sounds made by creatures we can only see. It’s not so easy when surrounded by humanity, jostled about, distracted by … “oh, the noise, noise, noise.” If we believe God is everywhere, then God is rushing at the airport, elbowing through the mall, driving the freeway … where silence is hard to come by. In college we had a poster on the wall – Desiderata. “Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence” it began. (Max Ehrmann)
Some years ago I listened to a talk about contemplative prayer, devoted and constant. The presenter compared such quiet prayer to close friends/lovers sitting on a swing. There is peace and contentment sitting … and communication … silently together in the moment. God knows our hearts – wishes, distresses, joys without words being spoken. Perhaps you recall the interview with Mother Teresa regarding prayer. Asked what she says to God when she prays she answered she doesn’t say anything … she listens. Asked, what then, God says to her she replied God says nothing … he just listens. Communication, God’s presence, in silence.
Prince of Peace, Thank you for the gift of hearing – the beautiful sounds of birds, water, children laughing and singing. Help us listen. Calm us when we must go about in the “noise and haste”, and to live peacefully with one another. Amen
Verla Olson