David said, “May my life be precious in the sight of the Lord, and may he rescue me from all tribulation.” 1 Samuel 26:24

You know the generous act of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9

David seems to have led a hazardous life on his way to becoming king. In the portion of I Samuel that our verse comes from, he and his allies are about to attack King Saul. They are able to approach him while he sleeps, but instead of harming him they take his spear and water jug. David demonstrates that he knows that vengeance belongs to God it does not belong to us. Then David prays to God that his own life be precious, too, and that he will be rescued from all his troubles.

All of our lives are precious to God. We are all precious “in the sight of the Lord.” One person is not more precious than any other in the way God sees us. Jesus Christ came to earth to communicate this message. He was rich and secure in heaven -- He had the power of God, and was God. Then He willingly became poor and lived on earth as any other person. He did this so that we might become “rich.” Not rich in terms of material possessions, or winning the lottery, or becoming a powerful person, but to have a rich and joyful life here on earth.

By Jesus’ sacrifice we gain life. He takes on our burdens, He gives rest to the weary. He also models for us the Christian life where we care for the poor – whether in material things or in spirit. A life where we work to alleviate homelessness, to supply food to the hungry, to welcome strangers in our midst. To avoid judging others and just love our neighbors as we love God.

Giver of all, you took on the weight of human need to rescue us from tribulation. May we, in response to your creating, sustaining, and redeeming nature, show our gratitude through our faith, love, and hope. May we continue to seek you in all we do. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Chris Gabel