My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make melody. Awake my soul! Psalm 108:1 

The lame man jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping and praising. Acts 3:8 (NIV)

Imagine being paralyzed, and suddenly being able to walk. It’s no wonder the lame man healed by Peter and John was so happy and excited. Yet that was not what he initially wanted. As someone lame since birth the only way he could make money was to sit at the temple gates and beg. He needed others to carry him there, which they did apparently every day at the 3 PM prayer time.

When Peter and John approach him he looks hopefully at them and asks for a contribution. Peter in turn tells the man to look at Peter, the man probably thinks money is coming his way. But Peter tells him that they don’t have silver and gold, but they have something better. They can only give them what they have – the power to heal through Jesus of Nazareth. Not something they can do on their own, but something that God can do.

If you have ever had a leg injury, or surgery, you know that you don’t heal instantly. It takes some time and physical therapy to have strong legs again. This man is not only healed, but gains strength in his feet and ankles so he can walk like anyone else. They then enter the temple to praise God and share all this wonderful news. Just like we can, as David says in Psalm 108, a Psalm that is a hymn of praise – we all can sing and make melody and praise the God who saves us and makes us strong.

Creator God, we rejoice at the wonders that you have brought: the big wonders of creation, miracles, and grand acts of your might. We also praise you for the small wonders: the sound of laughter and a knowing smile between people. Thank you for holding us in your strength. We will sing our joy in praise to you. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Chris Gabel