You are my witnesses, says the Lord. Isaiah 43:10
Jesus said, "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8
How do we witness? Jesus told us to do so, but it isn't always that easy. Many of us grew up with rather stoic views of how to witness and thought that it was mostly something that pastors did. This was how I felt as a young person. Then, I became more aware of the world around me and realized that witnessing is more than preaching and railing Bible verses at folks walking by on a street corner.
I began to see witnessing in the many kindnesses done when there is no monetary or physical gift reward given in return. Helping someone feel welcome and included; bringing food to someone who has been ill; encouraging those who are enduring difficult times; just being there for someone who needs you are among myriad examples of witnessing as God commanded us to do. I share a personal example of a time when witnessing saved our extended family when we were in dire need.
I grew up on a farm near Flandreau, SD. My brothers, Gordon and Don, and my dad, Orville Waxdahl, were in business together operating our successful family farm. Dad could no longer do farm work, but he hired help to cover much of his share of the work. Then things changed drastically. Dad died in August of 2008, and Gordon died suddenly in April of 2009 leaving Don with overwhelming responsibility, work, and much grief. Also, Don and his wife, Rosanne, were facing serious surgeries at Mayo within a few weeks. One more thing, that spring was one of the wettest on record, and no crops had been planted by the end of April. None of us knew what to do.
Within a day or so neighbors  asked Walt, their chosen spokesman and organizer, to tell our family that there was a plan. As soon as possible the fields were full of neighbors' driving equipment to prepare, plant, fertilize, and start the growing season on our land. Throughout the summer they were there to do whatever needed to be done. Then they returned to harvest the crops and finish and complete the growing season.
We were overwhelmed by their generosity and outpouring of love. Their acts of kindness and witnessing God's love in action still brings tears to my eyes as I write this. We often do not know how people acting out of kindness, love, and faith can be seen following God's command to be his witnesses. Oh, by the way, Don and his wife's surgeries were successful and they are still enjoying life. We did have a dinner at a local supper club and invited all who helped during that year. What a blessing it was to be able to thank these children of God, in even such a small way, for all they had so willingly done for our family.
Dear Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
Thank you for the people in our lives who lift us up and follow your command to be witnesses wherever and whenever the need arises. Empower each one of us by your Holy Spirit to speak and act in a timely, graceful way to help others and to open their hearts to give their lives to you. Amen. 
Florence Smallfield