Shepherd your people with your staff. Micah 7:14
Christ himself granted that some are apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of 
Christ. Ephesians 4:11-12
How do we know whether or not any one of us is equipped to build up the body of Christ? Most of the disciples of Christ do not wear a badge telling those who see them what their place is in doing God's work. That is because each one of us who has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is a disciple of Christ. It is far easier for some to obviously build up the body of Christ than is is for others.
Recently I attended a memorial service for a friend who was a nice Christian woman. She had always told her family that she had no special talent and made light of her claim throughout her life. Yet, there sat her family and loved ones in utter grief at the loss of their beloved one who was a mother, grandmother, great grandmother, and friend. Several family members told how she had been the example and guide that they had treasured throughout their lives. She had set the example for her family by being a faithful woman who knew Christ as her Lord and Savior, who shared her faith with her family, and who felt assured that there was a place for her in Heaven when her time on earth ended. Her family expressed their thankfulness for having known this in their loved one. She had built up the body of Christ in her family even though she was most self-effacing about her own gifts to share. She was indeed building up the body of Christ.
Dear Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
Thank you for guiding us to overcome our limitations and expectations of ourselves as we live to build up your body of saints. Guide us to follow your staff that lights the way to kindness, forgiveness, and love. Amen.
Florence Smallfield