In those days and at that time, says the Lord, the iniquity of Israel shall be sought, and there shall be none, and the sins of Judah, and none shall be found, for I will pardon the remnant that I have spared. Jeremiah 50:20
By his wounds you have been healed. 1 Peter 2:24
Jeremiah is often called the prophet of doom, much of his writing is sort of depressing. Looking at the content, he is really a prophet of realism, conveying what he sees as God’s judgment on Israel. He also includes all the promises of God’s restoration of the people to their land. To get out from under their various conquerors and live at peace in their own homes.
The verse from Jeremiah we have today talks about that time of restoration. It is very hopeful for those returning from exile. In fact, it says there will be no sinfulness found any more among the people! Can that happen? Will these people no longer commit any sins? We know that is not possible. However, God is pardoning everyone, He is pardoning the remnant that was spared and will be returning home. If iniquity is looked for, none will be found.
God also pardons us, and those same words apply -- when looking for sinfulness among us, none will be found. This is not our doing at all, we continue to sin no matter how hard we try not to. However, our gracious and loving God will pardon us. How do we know this? Because He sent Jesus as our Savior to heal us both physically and spiritually.
This season of Lent is for returning to you, Lord Jesus. Remembering your sacrifice, we confess our shortcomings and transgressions, yet also remember your forgiveness as we are received anew. In your wisdom, soften our new heart so that we can permit broken relationships to be healed by you. Amen.
Chris Gabel