Job answered the Lord, “See, I am of small account; what shall I answer you? I lay my hand on my mouth. Job 40:3-4
Paul wrote: Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. 1 Corinthians 13:12
Job spends much of the book of Job arguing with God and his three “helpful” friends. After all, here he was a righteous man that all these dreadful things are happening to. By the 40th chapter he is listening to God and realizing that God does have all the power, and he is of “small account.” How could he possibly answer God? He puts his hand over his mouth indicating his humility, respect and acknowledgement of his limitations.
As does Job, we too need to listen. But then, we also need to speak up. We listen to discern God’s plan for us, and this can lead to action – even speaking up when we see problems. Speaking up for those who are or feel powerless, for children, for those experiencing homelessness, for those in need of food and a good education.
Many of the prophets, for example Moses and Isiaah, start out telling God that they can’t do this, they don’t have the words to say, they are not good speakers. We can’t always know exactly what to say, but with prayer and caring we can. God can equip us with the words we need to truly live out our Christian life.
All-knowing God, we see ourselves as unworthy and words fail us. Give us faith to believe and trust in you. You are the creator of all things. Although we are made in your image, we are limited in what we can see and understand. Teach us, inspire us, and fill us with your Spirit, so that despite our weakness, we can answer your call to serve you. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Chris Gabel