You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord your God. Joel 2:26 

Taking the five loaves and the two fish, Jesus looked up to heaven and blessed and broke the loaves and gave them to his disciples to set before the people, and he divided the two fish among them all. And all ate and were filled. Mark 6:41-42

Food in abundance, people able to “eat in plenty.” This must have seemed like a dream to the people Joel is addressing. They had been through times of exile, of need. Where food, water and a place to live all were lacking.

We all need food – and water and shelter. Most of us have this, and yet many do not. Every time I get hungry, I can find food in my pantry or refrigerator. Or we can travel to any of many grocery stores and purchase what we want, certainly beyond just what we need. Even as prices rise, most of us can still afford to go to restaurants on occasion and truly eat abundantly at some buffets.

Jesus saw the need of the people He was talking to. These people had traveled along with Him to hear the words they needed to hear. Now, it was time to eat something. There wasn’t a convenient grocery store, or food truck nearby so what to do? Jesus saw the need, and met the need. From a small amount of food, a few loaves and a couple fish, over 5000 people were fed. That would be the 5000 men that were counted plus the women. This story is told in all 4 gospels, which shows the importance of having our needs met.

Jesus came that we would have life, and have it abundantly. Food, water and so much more. Our response to Jesus’ love is to support local food shelves, to support affordable housing efforts, and to help those in need of jobs get the training the need. All this is possible with God.

Heavenly Provider, you satisfy the hunger of all your people. You give us an abundance of what we need, even when we cannot recognize it. Help us to be satisfied with what you give and to remember always that all we have comes from you. Amen.

Chris Gabel