He sent redemption to his people; he has commended his covenant forever. Holy and awesome is his name. Psalms 111:9 

Jesus Christ is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world. I John 2:2 

Psalm 111 is entitled “Praise for God’s Wonderful Works.” Ten verses long, it starts with “Praise the Lord, and ends with “His praise endures forever.”, In between the Psalmist praises God for His wonderful deeds, His power, provision of food, and being mindful of the covenant between God and the people. He also says that God’s works are faithful and just and He is trustworthy. Our verse for today, Verse 9, then talks about sending redemption to the people, and promising that the covenant will last forever. So, what is a covenant? Simply it is a relationship between two partners who make promises. In this case, the covenants are between God and the people of Israel.

There were a number of covenants that are described in the Old Testament starting with Adam agreeing not to eat that apple. Then there are those with Noah after the flood, with Abraham, with Moses at Sinai, and with David. All agreements between God and His people, which were to be binding on both parties, even though the people often failed. Yet as the Psalmist says, God commended (or ordained) the covenant forever.

No matter our failures, God keeps  right on making and keeping promises. Finally, these previous covenants are followed by the New Covenant, the one established through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ that John writes about. One that will go on forever. Note that it was, and is, for “our” sins. Then note that it is not just for one group of chosen people. This new covenant is for everyone, everywhere. No longer do people have to be in a special group to hear and learn about these covenants. Jesus came to all people, everywhere. This is truly a lasting covenant, one that goes on forever. Even though we humans so often fail at keeping up our part, God doesn’t and is always ready to forgive.

How awesome is your name O Lord! Thank you Lord Jesus for your amazing gift of forgiveness. What a great gift of grace for the whole world. We strive to be worthy of your love but would fall far short without your grace. Even though we fail, you do not fail us. Amen

Chris Gabel