The Lord your God knows your going through this great wilderness. Deuteronomy 2:7

Or “He has watched over your journey through this vast wilderness” (NIV) 

Therefore lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees. Hebrews 12:12

Two verses today that both speak to people who are in need of comfort. One a group that has been traveling forever (just 40 years) through a wilderness. People who are most likely tired and discouraged, wanting to have some peace and quiet. The writer of Hebrews is addressing early Christians who are encountering discouragement and disappointment.

Wandering in the wilderness for so long must have been tiring and discouraging. Obviously so since at one point the people actually manufacture a golden calf to worship. Something that is tangible, that they can see. One that isn’t able to see them, of course, or do anything. Moses points to a God that knows the people. That has seen them, been with them, and cared for them throughout this long journey. A God that will continue to be with them.

The Christians in Hebrews have had many discouraging problems, going through a wilderness of sorts. They are physically affected by their discouragement – hands drooping, knees weak – depressed as they encounter difficulties as Christians. The writer urges them to shake off their physical reactions, and strengthen again through prayer and faith. Hands that can then help others, knees ready to run the race. After all, God is still with His people, ready to support us too. 

How comforting to hear that God knows our journey, and is with us always.

Accompanying God, the wilderness is often scary to us. We know you, too, have spent time there. Show us how to welcome what our wilderness has to teach us, to strengthen us, to help us prepare for your mission. Then, we will know how to accompany others when they are in the midst of their wilderness time themselves. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Chris Gabel