The officers of this congregation and the lead pastor(s) shall constitute the Executive Committee.
The roles and responsibilities of the Executive Committee include:
- exercising the powers and duties of the Council when necessary between meetings of the Council,
- serving as advisor and support for the lead pastor(s),
- managing all aspects of staff employment in coordination with the Human Resources Committee;
- preparing an agenda for each Council meeting, gathering and evaluating relevant data pertaining to each agenda item.
Other general duties include:
- report on committee activities to the Congregation Council;
- submit a proposed budget of its activities to the Congregation Council.
- shall submit their accounts to the treasurer of the Congregation Council or the church office. The treasurer shall include such accounts in their report to the congregation at the annual meeting.
Current Members
Rev. Rory Philstrom - Lead Pastor
Chris Gabel - President
David Tillotson - Vice-President
Jan Gasterland - Treasurer
Karen Youmans - Secretary