You are invited to participate in a Whole-Person Wellness Screening that is being brought to Christ the King Lutheran Church in the new year on Thursday, January 30th by Faith Community Nurse Network from 9:30 AM-3:00 PM. You must register for an appointment; screenings are for individuals over 60 years old and there is no cost.
Wellness planning provides a person-centered approach giving you the opportunity to take charge of your own health in a safe environment. You will learn body metrics, vitals, receive cognitive and depression screening, discuss the dimensions of wellness they would like to make your personal focus areas. You will develop goals, identify barriers, and receive resources to help you meet your goals. These screenings are done in partnership with the University of Minnesota School of Nursing so your participation is also shaping the future of nursing.
Book your appointment now at
If you would like to watch a video explaining the process, click here