Call of the Ministry Team: “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8
This ministry team is rooted in the mission of CTK that speaks to showing Christ by living out our call to embody His servanthood and care for our brothers and sisters. It is also a response to our shared vision of working “for justice in our homes, our church, our neighborhood, and throughout the world.”
We seek to take action among our local community to facilitate change resulting in racial equity and bring about an end to systems, behaviors and policies that disenfranchise, discriminate against, or otherwise devalue our black and brown brothers and sisters. Within our congregational community, we seek to foster dialogue about the ways in which our own behaviors and decisions may contribute to racial injustice.
Team Leaders: Carolyn Philstrom,; Angie McKinley,
Team Sponsor: Rory Philstrom