“Let everything that breathes praise the Lord!  Praise the Lord.”  Psalm 150:6 

“To the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, power, and authority, before all time and now and forever.”  Jude 25:25

At a Wednesday morning Bible study, the pastor asked who praised God first thing in the morning.  I raised my hand.  I think about my home, my comfy bed and pillow.  I realize I have another day of life to use as best I can.  I’m blessed with good friends and a loving family, and I am a child of God.  All before I get out of bed!

Then I get up and look out the window and greet the day God has set before me.  This time of year, the sun is lower.  We can watch the clouds turn pink, then orange.  Leaves are changing from green to yellow, orange, and red.  We see new, migrating (snow}birds at the feeders.  We see some hardy “hang arounds” are changing color.  I will see people who care about me, and vice versa.  What a great day God has given me!

A week ago I sat with a friend on the North Shore of Lake Superior.  Mesmerized by the waves crashing onto the rocks, my friend said the scene made her think of the song “How Great Thou Art”.  “Music [too]is a fair and glorious gift of God” Martin Luther observed.  Praise is more than a hymn on Sunday morning.  It is a way of life, filled with awareness and appreciation.  Look, and see!

“Praise to the Lord! O let all that is in me adore him!
All that has life and breath, come now with praises before him …”  Amen

(Joachin Neander)

Verla Olson