Happy are those who live in your house ever singing your praise. Psalm 84:4 

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness, for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with groanings too deep for words. Romans 8:26

It is interesting to see a contrast between our two verses. The Psalmist is speaking of those that are happy, that live in “your house” that is, with God. They are ever singing and praising and are happy. Then Paul writes in Romans about times when we are too weak to even find the words to pray. Times when we are too sad, or depressed or just too tired to find the words to put together. He even uses the phrase “pray as we ought.”

How ought we to pray? Is there only one right way? Of course not. We pray under all sorts of circumstances: we pray when sad, when ill, when depressed, and of course when joyful. We may want to pray for ourselves, for close friends and family members, for those near us and those far away. We pray for an end not war, for a just peace, and for those impacted by floods or drought or storms. We also usually remember to pray our thanks to God in gratitude for all we have received. Our specific words don’t matter – God knows what we are praying for and knows what is in our hearts.

As Paul says, the Holy Spirit is with us to help us in our times of weakness. Jesus sent the Spirit among us to be our Advocate and comforter. When words fail us, the Holy Spirit is there to intercede for us. We don’t even have to use words.

Spirit of God, how happy we are that you dwell within us, and that we belong to you. Holy Spirit, what a comfort it is to know you hear our songs of praise and our cries of weakness. Thank you for carrying us during our moments of joy, despair, and everything in between. Help us along our journey and give us the words we need as we pray for ourselves and others.

Chris Gabel