Who has directed the Spirit of the Lord or as his counselor has instructed him? Isaiah 40:13

Jesus said, “The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” John 3:8

Chapter 40 of Isaiah begins the second part of the book, dating from the time of the exile in Babylon. The opening words are “Comfort, comfort my people says your God.” Verses 12-14 are about the preeminence of God

 Verse 14:

Whom did the Lord consult to enlighten him,
and who taught him the right way?
Who was it that taught him knowledge,
or showed him the path of understanding?

– Verse 13 in another translation is who can fathom the Spirit of the Lord?

God doesn’t have a teacher or consultant to instruct Him, God’s Spirit comes before everything in Creation. When the Lord, by the Spirit, made the world, no one was there to give advice. We cannot fully understand the Spirit, but we can see the effects. Just like the wind, which blows as it chooses, and we cannot see it but only hear it. The Spirit of God is here with us all the time. We need to remain quiet and still and listen for the presence of the Spirit.

Gentle Wind, we long to feel your presence throughout our days. We are thankful that you are God and we are not. We sometimes lack the faith and vision to see your works and learn your ways, yet, deep down, we sense your Spirit guiding all that surrounds us. May we never feel apart from you. In the name of the Spirit, we pray. Amen.

Chris Gabel