“You let people ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water; yet you have brought us out to a spacious place.” Psalm 66:12
“We are persecuted but not forsaken, struck down but not destroyed, always carrying around in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be made visible in our bodies.” 2 Corinthians 4:9-10
The news of the day, of too many days, gives us much to chew on – people riding over the heads of others, those passing through fire and water. There are people, nations, being pushed about, told what they must give up with little offered in return, offered a “beautiful” place, but it isn’t their own homeland. Centuries later many are still waiting for Scripture to be fulfilled, waiting, waiting, to be brought to a “spacious place”.
After the first record of perfect life in “the garden”, history has seen violence and sickness, pharaohs and slaves, wealth and inequality, abundance and hunger. Why doesn’t God provide manna and quail, and clean water beaten from a rock? We know too well our own history of tribes lured into land treaties never meant to be kept, certainly not brought out to a spacious place.
Some years back there was a common phrase “What would Jesus do?” There are many oppressed and downtrodden people today who likely feel they are running out of time. But we have some. WWJD? Might Scripture be fulfilled; the love of Jesus be made visible in us? We may not bring people to a spacious place, but someone SAW and HEARD their needs, LOVE and CARED about them … and ACTED to the best of our ability.
Gracious and merciful God, you have given me all I need – and much more – to live each day. Help me open my heart and hands, to not forsake the persecuted, oppressed and poor. Amen
Verla Olson