“For he knows how we were made; he remembers that we are dust.”  Psalm 103:14

“When this perishable body puts on imperishability, and this mortal body puts on immortality, then the saying that is written will be fulfilled: ‘Death has been swallowed up in victory.”  I Corinthians 15:54

A woman looking in a mirror complained, “Look at the gray hair, the wrinkles, the belly, the spreading hips.  Is there anything good about me anymore?”  Her husband answered, “Well, your eyesight is good.”

Nina Jablonski, in “Skin – A Natural History”, wrote that our skin tells a story – age, type of work, time spent outdoors/indoors, etc.  She mentioned the tendency of our Western culture to use skin and a youthful appearance, rather than character, as a measure of beauty.  Smooth skin and full hair do not prolong life or make one worthy.  People who are kind and caring remain beautiful even as foreheads crease and hair grays. 

WWJS?  What Would Jesus SeeRecently, in a busy place, an airport, I paused to marvel that all these people, from different places, with different faces, all have the same ‘parts’, the same need to be loved and accepted; that each was born into the world in the same way and each will draw in a last breath.  As such, the CEO wearing an expensive suit and the soldier dressed in “camo” , are equal.  

God has no favorites:  brown/blue eyes; blonde/brunette; short/tall; athletic/frail; rich/poor.  Even as I wear out – run less and sleep more, crease and gray - God’s love does not.  Old age, or newborn, I am still made in the image of God. 

Loving God, calm our anxieties and fears facing an unknown future.  Help us move forward on this journey, trusting in your presence and guidance, your love and grace.  Amen

Verla Olson