“I am praying that you will put into action the generosity that comes from your faith as you understand and experience all the good things we have in Christ.”

-Philemon 1:6

The Bonds We Share

Our generosity finds its ground in the bonds we share as a community. These bonds, forged in the grace of our faith in Jesus Christ, create a promise of belonging, and as we made clear in our Reconciling in Christ Welcome Statement this year, that promise of belonging extends to everyone.

Fill Out Your 2025 Statement of Intent
Be a Part of Vital Work

Because we have received so much from a generous God. As Paul says to Philemon: “I am praying that you will put into action the generosity that comes from your faith as you understand and experience all the good things we have in Christ.” (Philemon 1:6) As we consider what we can give to the work of our church, we can ask ourselves how our generosity reflects our faith life.

This past year, Christ the King has been a shelter, respite, and place of recovery from the storms of life. These storms have been many: grief from the death of a loved one, broken family dynamics, severe injury or illness, housing insecurity, hunger, aging, despair at world events, or just the weariness that comes from raising a young family. Each of these stories has been carried by someone at Christ the King this past year, and here at CTK they have indeed found respite, caring, and hope for the journey ahead. The work we do as church is vital to the lives of so many. Your financial support of our collective ministry is vital to helping this ministry continue.

Fill out your 2025 Statement of Intent

CTKB Giving Chart for 2024

You can see an overview of Average Weekly CTK Giving in the chart below. See where you are and ask yourself these questions.

How does my giving reflect my values around generosity?

How does my giving level compare with other ways I use my money?

Where would I be if I moved up a level? What if I doubled my current giving? Could I consider doing either of these?

How much more could I give if I really wanted to?

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Generosity can Improve your Health!
The benefits of giving are many! Here are a few proven health benefits of generosity as shared by our Health Cabinet.
  • Improved Mood
  • Increased Activity
  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety
  • Increased Self-Esteem
  • Lower Blood Pressure
  • Reduce Symptoms of Depression or Anxiety
  • Better Support Networks
  • Improved Immune System
Pledge for 2025

Here are the ways for you to fill out your 2025 STATEMENT OF INTENT:

  1. Pick up a copy of the statement of intent card at Christ the King and place it in the offering on Sunday.
  2. Call Jane Bishop (952-881-8600) with your confidential estimate of giving.
  3. Fill it out securely online.
Complete Your 2025 Statement of Intent Online