Let your work be manifest to your servants, and your glorious power to their children. Psalm 90:16
The Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth. John 1:14
Psalm 90 is titled a “Prayer of Moses,” a prayer about the state of people and the glorious work of God among them. The work of God he refers to is the salvation of the people of Israel as they get out of Egypt and get into their own land. So often along the way the people totally forgot who it was that saved them from their life in Egypt. Moses spent a lot of time reminding them about the work God had done. This work of God is a manifestation of His glorious power – something to be remembered and taught to the generations that followed. God has restored health and prosperity of Israel.
From a commentary on Psalm 90: “This Psalm is a prayer to the everlasting God to have compassion on his servants who live their melancholy lives under the rod of divine wrath and under his sentence of death.” That doesn’t sound too cheerful; however the Psalmist acknowledges, humbly, the errors of the people and prays to God for compassion. He fully expects that God will be compassionate. That the people will again recognize His work, and keep passing along the knowledge to future generations.
Then John tells us what happens, all about how God showed His glory to all future generations. The Word, Jesus Christ, actually came among us mere humans. With Moses, God stayed hidden, only Moses got close. Then Jesus comes to earth as a person, just like we all are. He lived among people, did miracles that showed God’s power. Through Him we all can see God’s glory and plan for salvation. Jesus Christ is full of grace and truth able to act as our Savior.
Jesus, thank you for showing the Father’s glory by your earthly words and deeds. We have so much to learn. Your word is ever new and instructive. Lord, the beauty, glory, and love that surround us affirm your universal power. With all that mighty power, you chose to come to us and live with us, to give us life abundant. Thank you, God, for that gift. Amen.
Chris Gabel