“He gives power to the faint and strengthens the powerless.” Isaiah 40:29
“The Lord said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.’”
2 Corinthians 12:9
The movie we have likely watched most (annually, for decades) is “Christmas Story”. It is a light-hearted, sentimental family story but there is a young villain, Scott Farkas, who harasses and terrifies the everyday meeker sort. Victims took the abuse while others stood by, afraid to stand up to the neighborhood bully.
While I recall no one so physically extreme as the movie character, I remember those who were made fun of … perhaps eccentric families; unusual habits; unflattering body build. They usually sat alone in the lunchroom, without a thought by others of their need for belonging. As the smallest person in my class, the last name called when teams were chosen, consistently placed in the front row for group pictures, I don’t see myself pushing to the front of a line on the playground or being lippy to the bigger and stronger, which was everyone. Yet shamefully I did not put down my tray by the loner in the lunchroom and offer kindness (sins of omission).
Life is not a movie. Hurt is real life and we are called to be a voice for and offer comfort to those picked upon and shunned. Jesus befriended the sick and those with physical defects. Jesus is here, in this global lunchroom. On whose table will he set down his tray? Who will he sit beside?
God of grace, Give us courage to support those who live in fear, the oppressed and pushed about. Help us see the unseen, hear the unheard, welcome the left out, care for the those not cared about. Amen
Verla Olson