Remember me O Lord, when you show favor to your people; help me when you deliver them. Psalm 106:4
Each of us was given grace according to the measure of Christ's gift. Ephesians 4:7
Communion visits to shut-ins has led me to more fully understand how important faith is in every moment of life. There are unwelcome changes in these people's lives that they could hardly imagine would happen to them. I mention just a few, because they illustrate how important moments of faith can be.
There are the automatic-lift chairs that do not fit the owner and cause unrelenting discomfort and pain. The chairs cannot be returned for a better fit, and they are expensive making it prohibitive to purchase a replacement. The loneliness caused by the recent pandemic meant clients had to spend hours in their rooms alone with only the tv and phone as company. They even had their meals delivered and had to eat alone. Of course, there is the loss of independence that living here has wrought: giving up a life-long home; parting with favorite neighbors who may not or cannot visit; things that made their homes homey have been passed on or discarded as they won't fit in the limited space of their new home; the unwelcome  aspects of being confined to a smaller world, because of the  loss of independence due to physical and or mental decline; the family members and friends who have gone before are additional losses; etc.
These examples may appear hopeless, but I am amazed by the hope that faith gives to the people I visit even though they deal with difficulties in their daily lives. Their eyes light up, and they tell me of their grandchildren and great grandchildren. They share memories of the full, interesting, sometimes difficult lives they have lived. They tell of their appreciation for the staff an all that they do for each client. They can even make light of some of the irritants in their lives. For example, hearing loss is no fun when your care giver has to wear a mask and speaks English with a foreign accent. Their faith journeys are apparent in what they tell, and I can understand what a comfort their walk with God and their church home has been throughout their lives.
They inspire me, and I feel honored to be able to come to them with the word of God and communion. Each person I visit is assured that he/she lives in the light of God's grace and knows what a precious gift God's grace is.
Dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
Praise to you for all that you have done for all of your children. You have given each one the gift of grace to make that walk through this earthly life one of hope and redemption. Help us to live with willing hearts to listen for and to respond to all you have for each of us.  Amen.
Florence Smallfield