“You have made humans a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor.”  Psalm 8:5

“His divine power has given us everything needed for life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and excellence.”  2 Peter 1:3

Recently at the local Farmers Market I noticed a young girl balancing along a narrow brick wall.  Shoulders back, head high, one foot in front of the other, wrists curling, fingers dancing.  I imagined she sees goodness and possibilities, Olympic glory perhaps, in herself.  Watching the Olympics we have been mesmerized, amazed by the strength and abilities, the grace the human body is capable of.  It is heartwarming to see athletes cheering on and congratulating athletes from other countries, a different form of grace.

Not all are born into physical strength and mind-boggling agility.  Some are made for writing or painting; some for research or healing; some for building or farming.  I believe every baby is born with potential to be “good”.  Shortly after the Olympics, Paris will host the Summer Paralympics, no less amazing if less watched.  Then next March, 2025, the Special Olympics World Games will be held.   I volunteer at Global Health Ministries where many with physical and mental challenges are also global participants.  They – who live unnoticed by most of society, no less children of God, – perform a different form of routines. but that are also felt on the other side of our Earth.

On the sixth day God saw something good.  We who seem born to “excel at watching” were born into something good – varied talents, a loving heart, compassion, empathy.  If we listen to our Coach, with training and daily practice, I believe we can become quite good at it.

“Take oh take me as I am.  Summon out what I should be …” an athlete, musician, baker, electrician; a loving mother/grandmother, a good neighbor, a child of God.  Amen

Verla Olson