Who provides for the raven its prey, when its young ones cry to God and wander about for lack of food? Job 38:41
So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. 1 Corinthians 3:7
The works of God to form the earth, the universe, and beyond are incomprehensible to us when we think of the magnitude of all that it took to create this interactive home on which we live, thrive, raise our families, and, yes, sometimes struggle. Without God's creation, we could not exist. God's power is displayed everywhere.
The wonder of a beautiful sunrise or sunset; the birds who grace our environment with beauty and song; the flowers that add to the color of what we see; the beauty of the first snow brightening the earth; the wonder of watching a youngster grow and develop; etc., fill our lives with the evidence of God's creation day after day. They give us hope and remind us that we are precious in his sight.  
There are times when we feel we are in control, or when life seems  too burdensome. Then the wonders of our world and the evidence of his plan for our life on this earth seem hidden from our eyes.
Thankfully, God is a forgiving God who awaits our return to knowing that he would never abandon any one of us. The wonders of his creation were made by him and give us the assurance that God alone could plan and create our world.
Dear Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
Thank you, God, for your creation which is displayed all around us. When we foolishly feel abandoned and alone, guide us back to a place of service and inspire us to share the blessings that we have with others. Amen.
Florence Smallfield