You crown the year with your bounty. Psalm 65:11
God has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy. Acts 14:17 NIV
God knows our every need and has provided bountiful possibilities for us to acquire what we need to live. God has also taught that we are to love one another and to share from our bounty to aid others less fortunate.
God has also given us free will. Sometimes peoples' hearts are hardened, and they hoard by seeking to gain for themselves far more than they need. They ignore the needs of others and only count as gain what they can count as their own.
Fortunately, our God is a loving God. God blesses those who have much and share much. God also works to break into the hearts of those who hoard only for themselves. God knows that even these are his children, and his heart is open to forgive and to lead them to share his gifts with the hungry and needy. May we live in ways that help others see God's grace.
Dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
We thank you, our creator, for all things bright and good, the seed-times and the harvest, our life, our health, our food. No gifts we have to offer for all your love imparts but what you most would treasure--our humble, thankful hearts.* Amen.
Florence Smallfield